AVP Victoria

Alternatives to Violence, Victoria is a growing network of people. We use the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) approach for people to come together and interact in supportive, safe, and stimulating ways, fostering understanding and connection in the community.

AVP operates on the fundamental belief that everyone possesses an innate power for peace and good, which has the potential to transform violence.

Our activities emphasize respecting and caring for oneself and others to build sustainable peace in our relationships and communities.

Peace Practice: We offer regular monthly peace practice activities on the second Sunday of every month from 1- 3 PM at Victorian Friends Centre – 484 William Street, West Melbourne Vic 3003. The sessions are open to all interested in our approach and to have a taste of what we do.

For our upcoming workshop in February

For more details about the December activity, click here.

AVP Workshops in Victoria: AVP Victoria offers a series of three in-person workshops (20 hours) focused on creative conflict transformation: Basic (Level 1), Advanced (Level 2), and Training for Facilitators. Each workshop builds on the previous one, guiding participants from foundational skills to advanced techniques, and ultimately equipping them with the knowledge and tools to become effective facilitators themselves.

Our 2024 Advanced and Training for Facilitators were held in September 2024

Enquiries about our upcoming workshops in Victoria write to Alternatives.vic@gmail.com

You can find out more about coming online workshops through  AVP NSW

These experiential workshops empower individuals and groups to free themselves and others from the cycle of destructive conflicts and violence. Participants will learn to prevent the escalation of conflicts, view conflicts from new perspectives, and practice creative ways to find opportunities for deeper understanding in conflict situations.

AVP is open to everyone interested, but it is not therapy or counseling. Participant numbers are usually limited to between 10 and 15.

The skills learned in these workshops can be applied in families, workplaces, and all community activities. They also serve as the foundation for peaceful and just international relations.