There are four levels of AVP workshops. In the Basic workshop, the group progressively explores the AVP “building blocks” of conflict transformation, and applies them to realistic scenarios, usually using a role play. The Advanced workshop explores a consensus process and then explores the selected topic to greater depth. The Facilitator Training workshop is for persons that have completed their basic and advanced and are interested in becoming a facilitator of AVP groups. We also occasionally hold Special Topic workshops, such as our two-day Trauma Awareness workshop.

Each 18 to 20 hour workshop consists of between four to nine sessions over two to three days. Each session consists of a variety of activities that help to build self-esteem, a sense of community and trust. The group first practices basic skills and appropriate strategies before getting into conflict resolution and role plays. Quick activities are included to lighten the mood and energise the group. AVP facilitation uses an experiential process of learning. Each activity includes time for participants to reflect on and share the learnings that took place for them.