Why do an AVPQ Workshop?
The world can be a very violent place. In many cases, people resort to violence as a way of overcoming conflict or fear. AVPQ tries to show, in a practical way, that nonviolent methods of conflict resolution can be a powerful alternative in times of stress. There is no guarantee that nonviolence will always work, but using violence guarantees that someone will get hurt. Using violence to deal with conflict results in winners and losers. The AVP model aims to find the “Win-Win” solution to conflict situations.
AVPQ offers workshops, at low cost, for anyone interested in CREATIVE RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT. Acquire a better understanding of the nature of violence; share, grow and have fun in a challenging, but safe, environment.
In AVP workshops participants are encouraged to participate in various exercises and activities, in which they can explore feelings and ideas at their own level of comfort. The aim of the workshops is to give participants the tools they need to defuse violent situations.
The Facilitators present a framework within which participants can share personal experiences. Strict observance of confidentiality is required of everyone taking part. Within this safe environment, real, everyday conflicts are examined, discussed and role-played. Communication skills are developed through a series of exercises, and nonviolent means of resolving conflict are explored. The whole weekend can be one of exciting self-discovery, skills-development and growth.
The AVPQ workshop exercises and activities are varied, and include games (“light and livelies”) to lighten some of the heavier moments. Exercises include individual, paired and group activities, role plays, and can involve sharing of experiences by all participants. Those who participate gain personally, socially and often professionally. They also make new friends and have fun in the process!
Community workshops are held at central locations around Brisbane.
We hope that after having read about AVPQ workshops, your decision to participate is made easier. The workshop flyer can be used to find out further information or register your interest in AVPQ workshops. The flyer can be printed and handed out should you wish to share the information with friends or family.
The cost of participating in a community workshop is currently $40.00 for those earning a wage or $20.00 for those who are unwaged, but don’t let lack of money keep you from enquiring about a workshop! We can offer a reduced rate if you are on a limited income.
To register or enquire please contact our Workshop Coordinator on 0497 775 019 via our contacts form.
Our next Community Workshops are:
Basic workshop: March 8-9 2025
See link to workshop info –